
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Caught in the Middle

After the storms and tornadoes just a couple weeks back, Voluforms is still hearing stories from those caught in the middle.  Our employees have been sharing their experiences with us too.  Chris Maheney, Voluform’s VP of Technology, tells his story here:

“I heard the night before that my hometown of Bowling Green, Kentucky might get some of the worst weather it had seen in years. I did not expect to see much bad weather in Henryville and was wondering how bad it would be in Bowling Green, Kentucky. It turns out Henryville would be in the spotlight instead.

After clearing out a closet under the stairwell (not that it would have helped from a direct hit from this size tornado), I walked toward the kitchen to look out to the woods behind the house. The lights flickered and went out as I saw what I now know was one of the smaller tornadoes tearing up trees behind my house. The tops of all the trees in my front yard snapped off at the same time, and I could hear one of them crash against my house. Baseball size hail followed and broke rear windows on the house. I tried to send messages as long as it was possible, but phone service in the area did not last long.

After the storm passed, I was picking up some debris outside when my neighbor returned and told me he had just tried driving around and that it looked like a war zone outside our little neighborhood. (I live only about a half mile from the school and the rest of the area, which was devastated by the larger tornado.) He told me it appeared homes were thrown over the roads both ways, so you could not get out of the area. He also saw people with blood on their faces wandering aimlessly, not knowing where to go for help.

Later that evening I found a way to get to Louisville to get word to family and friends that at least I was okay.”

What an incredible story, Chris! Thanks for sharing with us. Feel free to share your own stories from the Southern Indiana tornadoes here in the comments section or on our Facebook page.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

United Efforts

Last October, we featured the son of our warehouse manager, Tim Smith, and his friends, who started A2Z Metal Recycling. Read more about their efforts in our post here

Now, the boys are back again to help out with tornado cleanup efforts in Southern Indiana.

A2Z boys and their families spent their Sunday in tornado ravaged Marysville helping one of the town’s residents clean up piles of metal from her house and garage. They loaded up two trailer loads and one truck load of recycling. They were able to recycle over 2700 pounds of metal and donate 100% of the money made from the haul back to her, which was a total of $830.00. Great work A2Z. Thanks for your efforts!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

A United Chairperson

Voluforms is excited to announce that our company owner and CEO will be the Regional Chair for Metro United Way.  As their Website states, Metro United Way is a “Diverse groups of leaders and volunteer experts study local needs, resources, and trends. Priorities are then set for funding agencies, based on our four visions of success in making our community the most vital, caring community in America: helping kids succeed, building strong families, promoting health and independence, and strengthening neighborhoods.”

Mike Stewart, CEO of Voluforms and Regional Chair of Metro United Way
speaking at the annual kickoff breakfast.
Most recently, the United Way has been instrumental in coordinating volunteer efforts in the tornado cleanup.  As their mission statement points out, their goal is to “improve lives and our community by engaging people to give, advocate and volunteer.

Here at Voluforms, we are proud of our CEO and his efforts as Regional Chair for Metro United Way.  For more information on Metro United Way, visit their Website.  For more about Voluforms and Mike Stewart, visit our Website and like us on Facebook.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Warehousing and Distribution Services

Voluforms maintains a 40,000 square foot warehouse with additional space available for storage services.
  1. Monthly, weekly or daily delivery to multiple locations available.
  2. Stockless office supply program can be incorporated into distribution program.
  3. Stockless John Conti beverage program can be incorporated into distribution program.
  4. Dual control, lock and key security for negotiable documents.
  5. Return and exchange program for inventory items.
  6. Pick and pack services reported by cost center.
Fast Facts about Warehousing and Distribution Services:
  • Your products are fully insured when you store with Voluforms.
  • A complete library of reports are available, in hard copy or on-line, so you always know your inventory status.
  • Voluforms is proud to partner with FedEx to get your product delivered on time and on schedule.
  • Our warehousing and inventory reports can play a valuable role in your organization’s Disaster Recovery Plan.
  • Call us at 812-283-0455 for all your warehousing and distribution needs.
Find out more about Voluforms and what we do by watching this video:

Call us at: 812-283-0455 or visit our Website for more information! Follow our blog by entering your email in the box to the right, to receive updates about products and services we offer. Don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook too!